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Online Dating Scammers Are More Cunning And Ruthless Than Most

작성일 24-10-10 02:05

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Nowadays there are numerous cases of people being scammed through the internet. One of the scammers' favorite ways to achieve their goals is through online dating sites. Needless to say, anyone who uses an internet dating site should be wary of this possibility.

That is easier said than done, of course. Firstly, online fraudsters are becoming increasingly inventive with their deceptions. Scams often take the form of someone pretending to be an attractive woman on a dating site. This "woman" (in reality often a man) makes contact with a man on the site and establishes trust with him through repeated e-mails and online chat. "She" then says "she" is in dire need of money because of circumstances beyond "her" control. "She" asks the man for an online cash transfer of some kind, and he often agrees -- to his inevitable regret.

But increasingly there are more elaborate cases. For example there was the Canadian man who built and promoted a series of niche dating sites. These premium services required exorbitant ongoing fees, but promised a devoted matchmaking service with a very high success rate. But whenever members tried to contact one of the elaborately constructed fictional profiles on the site they were told that they had met someone else! They were still charged for membership, however.

One wonders why this scammer didn't just build and promote real dating sites that charged far less, but did at least offer genuine opportunities for single people to meet others like them. He could probably have made the same amount of money for less work.

But he chose to deceive people instead. That was revealing. It meant it wasn't just about the money; he was clearly getting some sort of strange satisfaction from tricking these romance seekers.

In online dating scams, most of the victims never get to actually meet their fraudster. But there are some who do. There have been several cases of charming love rats targeting women through dating sites and then seducing them in real life. Sometimes they even marry them or move in with them. At some point they convince the victims to sign over all their money to start a business, or buy a love nest together, or something similar. Or they simply raid their bank accounts and disappear completely, never to be heard from again!

The mind boggles at the cruelty of these men. It's bad enough to dream up a scam and execute it online, tricking someone you will never meet face to face and who lives in another country. But betraying someone that you've actually got to know in real life, and have been physically intimate with on many occasions is heartless beyond words. Men like this are clearly deeply malicious and certainly more ruthless than your average con artist. They are also more cunning in many cases, a fact illustrated by the many media stories of their repeated deceptions of lonely and wealthy women.

While the scammers' methods vary, there is one common link in all of these cases: They invariably target people who are lonely and emotionally vulnerable. While most dating site members aren't desperate, lonely or gullible in the extreme, there are sure to some who are and who are therefore easy to dupe. So, like leopards stalking a watering hole for thirsty antelope, scammers will always be found on these sites. Many dating sites are cracking down heavily on the problem, but they can't eradicate it completely -- particularly if they have huge membership bases, as many of them do. That's why all members should be cautious and sceptical when a person they have met onlione seems a little bit too charming and affectionate. And they should try to remember that if someone seems to good to be true, they usually are.

Robert McGrath writes a dating blog with mostly Australian content. Singles in Sydney, мошеннические схемы Perth, Adelaide and other Aussie cities should check out his site listing good quality Australian dating sites.


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